Friday, May 27, 2011

Visit From Laurie Hirsch

Itamar enjoyed the visit this week of Laurie Hirsch the daughter of Dr. Irving and Cherna Moskowitz who came to visit our community.

It was the Moskowitz foundation that helped initiate our Beit Knesset project a few years ago. G-D willing, we are moving full speed ahead and hope to be ready to begin building the next stage this summer! We are in the process of completing our detailed plans which will allow a smooth glide through our next stage. It goes without saying that this project is a huge undertaking and anyone who wants to take part in this Mitzvah is welcome.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Gig Harbor/Tacoma WA Remembers the Itamar Martyrs

Placing memorial stones in Gig Harbor, WA
On May 1, Yom Ha Shoah  (Day of Remembrance of the Holocaust), a special group in Tacoma/Gig Harbor, WA, participated in a March to not only remember the Holocaust, but to remember the martyrs of Itamar.  The names of the citizens of Itamar who were taken in violence were read along with many names from the Holocaust. 

The world will not forget the Holocaust and the world will not forget those in Itamar who gave their life as they took possession of the Land promised to them by G-D. 

The Itamar Martyrs stone is the center stone among
the names of the individual Itamar Martyrs.
The March started in Tacoma and went across the Narrows Bridge to Gig Harbor.  At the Gig Harbor end of the March, memorial stones with the names of the Itamar martyrs and others from the Holcaust were left at a memorial plaque.

Photos from Hendel D'bu and Terrie L Heslop and Rodger.  Thanks for the great photos!

A view of the Puget Sound from the Tacoma  Narrows Bridge

Lighting  6 Candles - Remembering 6 million lives